The Various page is the place for various information. (Did you see that one coming?)
So here we will find answers to various CNC questions, but also various tutorials
It will probably be a good place for some additional information on all CNC stuff.
If you have any questions on this machine, or the CNC in general you can just contact me, I'll try to post it here.
I can imagine you want to know how to zero your work piece, or later on stuff about 3D scanning your piece.
Maybe you just want to learn something on G-code? Just let me know.
Well that's what this place is for, General info, tutorials etc...
Don't forget to subscribe, or register to keep informed on any new posts !!

PhotoVCarve : Corian® Lithophane tutorial
Making a Corian® Lithophane using Vectric’s PhotoVCarve Corian ®: Invented and manufactured by DuPont, is a solid surface material. The material looks and feels like stone, but is referred to as family of plastics ...
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Engraving Acrylic brings up a lot of questions
I have been engraving acrylic many times now, and received a lot of questions. I’m not a pro, and really don’t ...
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PhotoVCarve : convert a photograph to CNC relief.
Vectric PhotoVcarve is a great piece of software to turns your photographs into great CNC projects. There are many different styles that can ...
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2D vs. 2,5D vs 3D
In my projects i talk about 2D contours, 2,5D V-carve, and full 3D... But a got some questions about that ...
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